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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Colorful and Well-Loved

I found this picture on another blog and just had to share it with you all. This is EXACTLY what I want my bible to look like... colorful and well-loved. What does your bible look like? Are the pages marked up and dog-eared and decorated with notes in every blank space? Or do you use a notebook or a journal for bible study? What are the methods you use to study your bible?

By the way, that blog I found this picture on... delightful. :) 


  1. I have so many bibles that I have collected overtime. The cool thing is that I use my iPad bibles more than anything. I absolutely love the way they work. My current bibles don't have a lot of writing in them. I normally don't like to write in my bible, but they do have lots of stuff; sticky notes, bookmarks, notes written on paper. I tend to file stuff away in the pages instead of write on the actual page. Its kinda like a biblical pop-up book after a while, lol.

    1. I LOVE the idea of a biblical pop-up book! I am obsessed with sticky notes, so if I bought them in different colors and tabbed pages/made notes on them, it would probably make it super easy to find what I am looking for quickly! :)

  2. Ha ha!! I LOVE this! I write, highlight and use tags in my bible. In the girl ministry group I teach on Wednesday nights, I bought each girl their own bible to stay in the classroom (I had many girls often forgetting to bring their bible in.)
    I encourage them to write, mark and take notes in them... and when they graduate from my class going into the 9th grade... they can take their bibles with them... full of reminders of the three years of learning and growing!

    1. That's such an awesome idea! It's almost like a scrapbook within a bible. They'll be able to look back and remember all they've learned and all the memories they made in your class! :)

  3. I so wish my bible looked like that. I need to get to bible studying.


    1. Me too! Good thing there is another AWESOME bible study about to start at Have you ever checked out their site? It's great!
