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Friday, May 18, 2012

Be still...

"Do you spend too much time running around and not enough time at home? You cannot grow spiritually, train your children properly or enjoy caring for your home if you are always on the run. Things do not have time to sink in if you are always on the go. Busyness makes us feel rattled, stressed and tired. Maybe it is time to cut back on the play dates, the extra curricular activities or the oodles of trips to the store." - an excerpt from this blog post at GMG. (Emphasis mine, not the author's.)

... wow. As I read these words, I wondered, when was the last time I posted on my blog? Didn't I say, in the last post I made, that I was going to update my list of gratitude everyday? Have I updated it since then? Ummm.... no. (shamefully hanging my head, here, friends.) I think maybe the Lord was speaking right to me this morning, through Jen's words, and telling me to slow down. To be still. In the past week, we have had Kindergarten graduation festivities, a school carnival, chaos at home... all busyness that has definitely made me feel rattled, stressed, tired, and completely unfocused. All the going, going, going and worrying over the small things made me forget for a moment to just. be. still. I need to be still to draw closer to God. As much as I see him in the beauty of His creation, all around me, everyday, I can't truly grow spiritually if "stuff" is always in the way. Putting all the "stuff" aside for a moment to thank him for everything he's blessed me with this week... 

#11. My sweet girl's graduation day - full of parties, friends, family, fun, and smiles... and okay, a few joyful tears, too. 
#12. beautiful, sunny weather for the kids to enjoy the carnival on Tuesday. 
#13. a hot cup of tea in the morning.
#14. GMG and the Proverbs 31 woman, for giving us something to aspire to this summer as we read the word together. 
#15. My sweet Brandi, for being a beautiful Christian woman, for having a giving heart and a sweet spirit. Thank you for going on this journey with me. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday Thoughts...

... things I'm thankful for today:

#1. beautiful, uplifting music with a message... instant mood lifter!
#2. gorgeous, sunshine-y, 60 degree weather that's perfect for taking a walk around the neighborhood
#3. a warm cup of coffee
#4. Buttercups Cupcakes - this morning, Blueberry Muffin cupcake. Yum! 
#5. a wonderful day with my Jordan yesterday - doctors appointment and all.
#6. the smile on my Maddy's face yesterday when I picked her up from school and asked her how spa day went (nails, hair, lip gloss... every little girl's dream, right?) and... 
#7... her upcoming graduation from kindergarten. monday's the day, y'all. this mama will cry. that's a fact. happy tears, though. happy tears. 
#8. waking up to "spare change" in my bank account from Thirty-One. I mean, I get to earn money for selling cute bags? Really? Awesome. 
#9. the fact that Mandisa is singing to me right now... technically, I'm listening to her on Pandora. But anyway... she's the bombdiggity. Srsly. 
 #10. this blog. everyone who is following me. i am thankful for you. and i am praying God's blessings over you today and everyday. you give me someone to talk to in the quiet moments before laundry, dishes and picking up messes consume my day, so thank you for "listening" to my randomness. 

I'm planning on adding to this list EVERYDAY... if you notice that I haven't updated my list on any given day, feel free to shoot me an email at and remind me... my mama brain gets scrambled sometimes and I get off track. Keep me accountable, let's be thankful together. :) 

Wishing you all a bright, beautiful, blessed day... unless you are in Seattle or something, in which case I think you are really cool, because I love the rain and the grey and I am a firm believer that you can have a bright, beautiful, blessed grey-ish day just as easily as you can have a bright, beautiful, sunshine-y one. Okay, I'm done rambling. :) 

Friday, May 4, 2012

His beauty surrounds us...

I felt completely surrounded by God's presence yesterday as I took in beautiful works of art and the beauty of nature. A few of my favorite pics from the gardens at the R.W. Norton Art Gallery... 

The main walkway is lined with beautiful magnolia trees. 

One of the ponds in the art gallery's gardens. 

I loved this pretty little water lily! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Colorful and Well-Loved

I found this picture on another blog and just had to share it with you all. This is EXACTLY what I want my bible to look like... colorful and well-loved. What does your bible look like? Are the pages marked up and dog-eared and decorated with notes in every blank space? Or do you use a notebook or a journal for bible study? What are the methods you use to study your bible?

By the way, that blog I found this picture on... delightful. :) 

Getting "Carried" Away...

... literally. I'm loving this track from Carrie Underwood's newest cd "Blown Away." It's called "Thank God for Hometowns." Random, I know, but just thought I'd share.